Saturday, March 8:
Before you go to bed Saturday night, remember to set your clocks ahead one hour.
Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings Time Begins
9:30am Sunday School (Bible studies for all ages.)
10:45am Worship and KidsWorship
Join in worship to our Lord with the songs “There Is A Fountain,” “Agnus Dei,” “From Everlasting,” “You Have Been So Good” and “What He’s Done.” Closing Song: “Softly and Tenderly”
Donnie's message is from Romans 7:7-12 as he continues his sermon series "True Christianity: What It Believes and How It Lives."
2:00pm Agape Myanmar Mission Church
Wednesday, March 12:
6:00pm Hallelujah Chorus (formerly Kids 4 Christ)
In this new kid's program, children meet to prepare for an Easter program, to be presented at our April 13 Palm Sunday church service. All children and youth are encouraged to participate.
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
Thursday, March 13:
10:00am Dare to Care Mobile Food Pantry
The mobile food pantry is scheduled to be in the church parking lot at 10am, but has arrived as early as 9:30am in the past.
Sunday, March 16:
9:30am Sunday School (Bible studies for all ages.)
10:45am Worship and KidsWorship
2:00pm Agape Myanmar Mission Church
Wednesday, March 19:
6:00pm Hallelujah Chorus (formerly Kids 4 Christ)
In this new kid's program, children meet to prepare for an Easter program, to be presented at our April 13 Palm Sunday church service. All children and youth are encouraged to participate.
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
Sunday, March 23:
9:30am Sunday School (Bible studies for all ages.)
10:45am Worship and KidsWorship
2:00pm Agape Myanmar Mission Church
​ Opportunities ​​
Pray for Persecuted Christians
Pastor in "Land of Gods" Delivered by the Living God - A pastor named Hira Singh has used notoriety from being persecuted to share the gospel with even more people. In 2000, Hira Singh, who was formerly from a high-caste Hindu background, came to faith in Christ in Himachal Pradesh. This region is a North Indian state known as Dev Bhoomi (Land of Gods) and a prominent Hindu pilgrimage destination. In the early years of his Christian faith, Hira faced opposition from his family and community. However, in October 2023, when the village council summoned him, he faced serious persecution. Some people at the meeting attempted to kill him, but God miraculously delivered him. Since then, Hira has faced repeated threats and false allegations but continues to lead the church and share the gospel in adjacent villages. Because of the persecution incidents in October 2023, Hira gained popularity in local print and electronic media. Since then, he has publicly preached to anyone he meets.
​ Encouragement
The cross exposes the seriousness of our sin, but it also reveals the greatness of God’s love.
(Billy Graham)
The law showeth us our sin; the Gospel showeth us a remedy for it.
The law showeth us our condemnation; the Gospel showeth us our redemption.
The law is the word of wrath; the Gospel is the word of grace.
The law is the word of despair; the Gospel is the word of Our Spiritual Freedom.
(Ezekiel Hopkins, d.1690)
We Want To Connect With You!
Announcements of services, events and church information are on this website and our Facebook page. By clicking on the Facebook f icon at the bottom right of the screen you may visit our page there. (A Facebook account is required.)
Have a Question?
Let us know! If you have a prayer request or have any questions about our church, salvation, church membership, theology, or just about anything else, please contact us at any time by using any of the Keep in Touch options.
Prayer List Requests
To receive prayer list requests by email, please send your email address to the church office and ask to gave the Prayer List emailed to you.
If you wish to add someone to our prayer list, please call or email the church office. Also, let us know if someone can be removed from our prayer list. The prayer list is published weekly in the church bulletin every Sunday.
Receiving our Church Newsletter by Email
If you're a member of Grace Community Baptist Church and wish to receive our monthly newsletter by email, please send your email address to the church office.
Providing Your Email Address
The most efficient way to notify members is by email. If the church office doesn't have your information, please email us. If you don't have email, we will always make our best effort to notify you of important updates by phone.
Keep In Touch With Us
Grace Community Baptist Church
7300 National Turnpike
Louisville, KY 40214-4326
Phone: 502 361-2911
2025 Weekday Office Hours
Wednesday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed Monday & Tuesday