Children's Ministry
Our Ministry Belief
Grace Community Baptist Church's Children's Ministry believes that children are a gift from God and should be lovingly taught and encouraged to have Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and continually seek to grow in their relationship with Him.
Our Ministry Goal
Grace Community Children's Ministry seeks to provide a warm, caring environment where children and their families are loved, supported, nurtured and trained in living a life dedicated to Jesus Christ.
The children's safety is of primary importance at Grace Community Baptist Church. A background check is required for all children's ministry volunteers. There is a check-in procedure for all preschoolers, from birth through kindergarten, to insure safety and security.
Additional Information Contact:
Mary Ann Alexander, Director of Children's Ministries
Grace Community Baptist Church
Phone: 502 361-2911
Sunday School
Sunday 9:30am - 10:30am
There are three levels of Sunday School classes, each relevant to their ages and taught by regular volunteers.
Preschool: Ages 3 to 5
Children 1: Grades 1 through 3
Children 2: Grades 4 through 6
I'm a Christian Now: This class is for children who are new Christians. It is a four week session available as needed and explains church membership, encourages daily Bible time and prayer, and teaches how to share Jesus' love and message with other children their age.

Sunday 10:45am - 12:10pm
All children will attend the 10:45 Worship Service with their families. Children age 4 through 3rd grade will be dismissed to go with the KidsWorship leaders to the fellowship hall downstairs after the Children's Message. During KidsWorship, the children connect to God through song, praise, Bible study, prayer, service, drama and videos designed to deepen their relationship with Christ. KidsWorship ends simultaneously with the adult service.
If this is your child's first time in KidsWorship, please accompany him or her downstairs. You will be assigned a number that will appear on the paging system display (on the left in the sanctuary) if the workers need you.

Wednesday 6:00pm - 7:30pm
For the first 30 minutes, from 6:00 until 6:30, a light meal is provided for the kids.
Beginning at 6:30, the children will have a period with singing to prepare for musical specials during our church services. The evening will conclude with devotionals.